Dear all,
What emotions a person goes through when moving away from family and friends! Part of you really doesn't want to go and is convinced you are making a huge mistake, the other part of you can't wait and relishes the change; for me that's how it felt anyway. So here I am, at the start of the second part of my year away and there is no going back (of course there is, I could probably make it back within say, half a day, if I made my mind up to go but you know the effect I am going for). Everything so far has worked out and there is only one remaining fear, that as you can guess is not writing enough. The place I am at is beautiful and I couldn't ask for more, I am totally at peace with the decision I made last year to leave my job and use up my savings, I feel better about myself than I have done for a very long time and I generally have a sense of purpose and excitement for the future...but there will always be that nagging voice inside that reminds me that I have plans for myself that far outweigh the talent and drive I possess...I guess that will always be there so the only thing to do is just get on with it and that's what I intend to do. I think the other only thing left to do is not use the word only so much.
Just before I left there was one small patch of greenery near to where I live that I quickly visited, I wanted to take a few snaps to remind me of the place once I was gone. It's an unremarkable little green just off a main road but it has a lovely view and for some reason always cheers me up and makes me feel like I should hurry home and put some ideas down on paper. I wonder if everyone has their own little spots of home that make them feel the same?
That has been replaced by mountains on one side of my apartment and a beautiful bay on the other. This will be the setting for the rest of this year although I hope to make some trips to other parts of the country here and there. It's a wonderful change and I am going to make the most of the sun and the freedom...but do you know what? Nothing changes the fact that words don't write themselves! As nice as it is outside, there is a lot of hard work to do and that will involve hours of staring at my laptop hoping that the words I type out express the thoughts behind them. I am desperate to improve and hungry to produce lots of content so weather and views can only take up so much of my day. I need to be strict and get on with the task I have set myself.
So with that in mind I think I have said all I need to say about my personal situation and I need to get back to the topic of writing. I miss sharing my for-what-its-worth-views on subjects that I have hardly any experience or knowledge on, so to make sure I get back to sounding like an overly optimistic inexperienced writer that shouldn't really be allowed a platform to spout views and opinions my next posts will revert to the original purpose of this blog...thoughts on my writing and writing in general. I've reviewed my old list of blog subjects that seem so long forgotten now and starting at the oldest and placing them in no useful order I'll work my way through them, hopefully I'll remember why I wrote the titles when I start typing...
Wait, last photo, take your seats please, where would I be without a bench...
Take care everyone,
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