I’ve never
believed that there is a formula for anything in life, people will always prove
you and your expectations wrong. When someone talks to me about someone and
throws out phrases such as, ‘They are the only person capable of doing that.’,
‘There is no way someone’s capable of doing that.’ or, ‘They’ll never lose.’ I
don’t really take notice as I’m convinced most people can do most things if
they really want to. Anyway, you get this a fair bit when you talk about writing,
someone will say, ‘I wish I could write a book’ or similar and I always feel
like trying to convince them that they could at least try, don’t believe you
can’t do something until you attempt it. What has been interesting to me is
that people’s expectations of me in relation to my personality has changed a
bit and I’ve had some surprising comments. One of them I thought I’d talk about
here, talking.
I go through regular swings in
the amount I talk. I can go for weeks being quiet and timid, perhaps seemingly
uninterested in conversation or interaction, and then I can become a
pain-in-the-backside-chatterbox. I’ve annoyed plenty of people by leaving five-minute
voicemails and I’ve also sometimes had absolutely nothing to contribute. Maybe
it can be a sign of my mood, how I am feeling about things, for sure that must be
the case sometimes, but it has also been a lifelong trait, I can be the life of
the party one weekend and retreat into my shell the next. It is probably very
common with people but I’m bringing it up here as one of the hardest skills to
be good at in writing (my opinion here) is to create believable dialogue and
the question I’m asking is, do you need to be a good talker to be a good
Nothing is stand alone, which
is why I started this piece by saying one off questions that are zero-sum games
aren’t realistic, I believe that you also have to be a good listener, have a
good imagination, have self-belief, etc. etc. etc. But for the sake of this
piece let’s just concentrate on how you speak. I wouldn’t say I have a great
vocabulary but then again I do take a bit of time to look up words and if I
find one that looks interesting I’ll try and make a mental note of it, generally
I forget them and hate myself when it comes up again somewhere and I say,
‘Argh, I know this, wait, wait, it’ll come in sec, no wait, I know it…nope it’s
gone.’ But again, that’s pretty common I think. What about being witty? Do you
come up with great one-liners when chatting with friends and yet when it comes
to putting things down in text it all looks triple layered cheesy nonsense?
There’s the challenge, putting yourself into your characters and allowing your
characters to put themselves into you without it feeling formulaic, contrived
and hackneyed; it sounds rubbish doesn’t it, like when some over the top luvvie
actor talks about ‘becoming the character’, or even worse, in an interview
they’ll say about someone one of my above mentioned hates, ‘There is no one
else in the world that could have played her darling.’ Oh come on. Yes there
is. It would have been different and yes, it could have been worse, but maybe
it would have been better too? Same with writing, I have an idea, but someone
else who has that same idea may take it in a thousand different directions to
me. My memory is pretty good, which is a reason I think I find it comfortable
to try and put myself in theoretical positions, ‘If I reacted to something in
this way, then how would this character react to those same inputs?’ If I ask
myself that, and believe my answers then I have faith that if I put that in the
mouths of my characters then I’m happy, someone else may disagree and would
have done it differently but that’s fine. So memory for me is important, if you
can remember those conversations that made you laugh, or cry, if you can recall
how the anger or the fury in a person’s voice sounded, if you can recreate the
physical appearance of someone talking even if your going back years and still
be able to portray it, then that’s great, and you don’t have to be a talker to write
So back to being witty, I
don’t believe you have to be witty in real life to create a character that is
witty, you just have to remember those people that are and be able to translate
their voice, mannerisms and anything else they have in common and find what
works for your character, some of it may work and some of it may not. What
about those people you meet who seem to be able to chat about anything, I mean
anything, they can keep going over nothing for hours, when you are sweating
with frustrated tiredness and are demonstrating as much obvious disinterest as
you can, on they go, relentless…we all know them, just because you aren’t like
that doesn’t mean you can’t create someone like that, if you have knowledge of
something then just put it down on paper and believe in it. We know what it is to argue, banter, jibe,
debate, moan, be silent, curse and all the rest of it. You don’t need to feel
intimidated by those who have a strong command of language and have a great calmness
about them so as not to go in a rage when in an argument, how many times have
you got the killer comeback only for it to be lost in a sea of spittle and
waving arms and hands? Or the most common, an hour after the argument the best
one liner pops into your head with only the toilet roll to tell it to? That’s
the beauty of writing, that hour later is okay, your characters aren’t going
anywhere, your story isn’t going anywhere, sure you may be under pressure to
finish it and there is always a point where you have to say that’s enough, you
can’t forever change or add or edit but until that point, work it through until
you believe in them.
Let’s face it, how much of our real life
conversation is without deceit of some kind, how often are you fully honest and
open, how often do you slightly twist what you really mean because you don’t
want to upset the person you are talking to, or annoy them, or create a scene,
it’s easier just to say something to avoid a situation? What’s the point of
being a good talker then if you are only lying? Well, transfer that to your
characters, how much fun is that! You can play with them as much as you want,
you can make them say the things you wish you said, you don’t need to be a good
talker for that, or inverse it, you can make them a terrible talker and the
whole point is the empathy we have for this character that finds it hard to communicate,
again you don’t need to be a good talker for that. Whether we talk a lot or
talk a little, whether we talk meaningfully or just to fill the void, whether
we pepper our conversation with seven syllable words or only repeat, ‘y’kno wat
I mean.’, whether we talk honestly or just to please. It doesn’t matter, you
can produce what your mind wants and that’s where we become interesting, that’s
where we create worlds. People who aren’t stand up comedians can produce
hilarious texts, people who can’t express emotion face to face can write
beautiful letters, there is no secret to any of it, no rules.
If someone asked me if I am a good talker, I
would say ‘sometimes’. I think that goes for pretty much any question I am
asked. Sometimes is all you need and hopefully those moments when it works will
be what you are looking for.
Hour’s up.
P.S – Come on
Great Britain! Enjoy the Olympics everyone!
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