I’ve brought this topic forward a
bit because of something that happened recently. For most of the last year I
haven’t been reading any fiction and then last week I was about to take a bath
(sorry for the intimacy) which I normally always read in, but I couldn’t face
taking any of the normal papers or magazines, I really fancied reading a book,
something I haven’t felt like for ages. So I took one from my high ‘to-do’ pile
and it happened to be ‘Lucky Jim’ by Kingsley Amis. I settled in and moved the
soap (sorry, stop it) and something like twenty minutes later I had read
without interruption and was really, really, really enjoying it...then I
panicked, threw it away from me and haven’t picked it up since. The reasons why
are what I will talk about in this blog.
I’ll start by saying I have always been a reader, since I can
remember I have loved books and have gone through the usual progression of
genres through my primary and secondary school days, to college, and in my
twenties I studied a Literature degree with the Open University so obviously a
lot of wide ranging reading there. Not only have I always loved reading but I
have always valued it and recommended it, I think it is important to a general
education and to keeping people stimulated in adult life, I believe it helps
with a lot of skills and the firing of imagination and should be a life long
hobby. So I should say that I haven’t stopped loving reading and I haven’t
stopped valuing reading. In fact, I am angry at stopping because at the time
when I should be reading the most, I’m not! Now that I have started writing,
the importance of maintaining and improving my vocabulary is incredibly
important, recognizing and manipulating styles, testing my understanding of
narrative and voice and so on is vital.
Stopping came out of fear. I had finished my first draft of my
first story and I was excited about it, for many years I had been working
towards getting to this point of focus and here I was. Then a strange thing
happened to me that had never happened before, I started to detest reading. I
mean I actually hated it. I couldn’t bear to read anything by anyone else and I
think I can explain it now.
Every word I read by someone else
I scrutinized for minutes:
Why had they chosen that word? Why had they structured the
sentence in that manner? Why had they chosen first or third person? How had
they created those characters? How long had they taken to write this? Why was
this so famous? Why was this so rated? Did everyone love or hate this?
Then the self-doubt started:
To be able to write like this they must be a genius. I bet they
were a naturally gifted writer that could produce ten thousand words of perfect
prose every day. They must have such high intelligence to think this up.
Even worse:
I’ll never be able to write like they can. I’m not good enough to
be amongst them. Who am I kidding? It would take me years to finish a novel and
it would never be as good as this. There’s no point. I can’t think up stuff
this complicated. I haven’t anything as interesting as this in my brain. They
are too knowledgeable.
And then the fear:
If I read any more of this I’m just going to end up copying it! I’m
going to end up sounding exactly like this person. I’m going to copy their style.
I’m going to copy their characters. If I like a metaphor they use will I
subconsciously use it myself? If I like a description will it creep into my
writing? I’m not going to be able to think of anything original. I’m going to
be labeled a fraud. Without realizing I’m just going to rewrite their story.
So instead of confronting those
issues and working through them I just stopped. Now the thing is, I love
reading as I have said and I still believe that being well read is hugely
important but I am able now to tell myself that being impressed with something
does not mean you are not capable of doing something similar. The same goes for
anything doesn’t it, your job, sports, relationships, money, it goes on and on.
Anything that other people are successful with seems daunting. It’s always
other people that make it…other people start companies not me, other people get
married not me, other people have kids not me, other people get the promotion
not me, other people have the luck not me, other people win the lottery not me
(now that ones universal for sure) but of course we all know that isn’t true.
Bringing it back to reading, how lucky that I can count reading as
something enjoyable and educational. How lucky am I that I can sit down for two
hours with a book and not just enjoy it for pleasure but it can help me with my
own writing, it benefits me, it improves me…how many things like that are
there? (Don’t say drinking and smoking!)
There are legitimate fears that you have to be careful with. I
need to write and I need to spend a lot of time devoted to writing, so I can’t
expect to be able to have the same amount of free time I once had. I can’t go
out every night and expect to get my next story finished. And reading takes up
a lot of time, so you have to be honest and say that I can’t spend as much time
as I would like doing other enjoyable things and one of those is reading, however
that is not a reason to give up! I need to get reading again and not have the
fears I have described associated with it. I need to accept that there are
issues to do with being influenced by others but control that. I have to accept
that the beauty of other peoples work can be enjoyed without the insecurity. That’s
what happened with Lucky Jim. I loved it from the first page, I associated with
it, I wanted to be the person who wrote it…doesn’t everybody! If you have read
Midnights Children I hope you will agree with me that it takes a one off
individual brilliant mind to be able to write like that. That doesn’t mean no
one else has the right to try.
I will finish Lucky Jim at some point. I will make progress on the
ever-growing ‘to-do’ pile of books that is near ceiling height. I will enjoy
them for what they are and carry on experiencing as much as I can without the
fear that I am not worthy to be amongst those people that contribute to the
world rather than just take from it.
Hour’s up.
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