Okay this is a tricky one. I’m
sticking to my self imposed one hour deadline for each blog so I may have to do
additional parts to this if I miss something major which I’m likely to do.
I’ve mentioned before that writing is something I have enjoyed
since I was a kid, I have notebooks from primary school that testify to my
ability to write in a straight line but the hint at storytelling ability…that
evidence may not hold up in court. I read a lot when I was young (that’s
another blog) and I recall that I tried to write but I can’t actually remember
what. My first real memory of trying to write ‘something’ is at around 9 or 10 I
think, so what I want to discuss in this blog is what is it exactly that makes
me twenty plus years later still want to write…and be confident enough to know
it’s something I want to do for the rest of my life.
I’ll start by saying I don’t know and am not qualified to describe
what a ‘creative’ is and I am not going to attempt a description. I’m just
going to use that word so that I cover the range of people who may be artists,
designers, writers, etc. I have met many creative people from an enormous range
of disciplines and subjects that either make their living (does that mean pay
the bills?) through their creativity, or attempt and hope to do so one day. I
have also met so many people that may not consider themselves creatively inclined
and work in jobs that at first understanding don’t necessary seem
creative. I know though, that they have
fantastic imaginations and their minds work in a way that forms ideas I, and
many people, would never be capable of. And what is interesting is that some of
those people when you talk to them would say I’d love to do stand up one day,
I’d love to write a book one day, I’d love to start my own company one day and
so on and some of those I believe genuinely would like to and others say it for
effect. There are also those who have absolutely no interest in anything like
that whatsoever and harbor no desires to do something outside of the life they
have set up for themselves and there is nothing wrong with that at all, what
makes one person happy and fulfilled does not apply to the next person.
So it makes me feel guilty immediately as I don’t believe I have
anything more important to say than any of those that I have just described, I
don’t believe I have a deeper insight or knowledge of life than anyone else. In
fact, isn’t it incredible when you speak to someone about something personal,
say you’re having trouble at work or difficulties in your relationship or what
ever it maybe, they come out with the most unexpectedly caring, thoughtful and
meaningful advice that you would never have seen coming, it is really touching
and it makes you realize that no matter the façade (most) people have a genuinely
caring soul. I would love them to write something, sing something, paint
something, etc. but if they don’t want to then they don’t want to. Maybe they
will one day, maybe they won’t, and it’s not for me to push or decide for them.
So I have to get over the fake narcissism I’m guilt tripping on myself, because
it’s not that. I don’t want to write because I feel I’m better than anyone
else, I simply have an innate love of writing and I want to talk about the
things that I am feeling.
I feel better once I have spent time writing. Perhaps you have a
similar feeling once you have trained hard at the gym, or gone for a long walk,
had a tough day at work…all can be painful, hard and testing with many moments
of wondering why the hell you are bothering but ultimately once it’s over and
done with you feel better. I can’t comment on the science behind it, I’m sure
there is a release of endorphins or similar which explains it. As with the gym
say, you also know you are getting better, that’s why it’s called training, you are not the master, you
have not got to perfection and you never will, there will always be something.
I guess like most children I used to make up stories, thought I was
a good liar, made up worlds and secret clubs with friends, and enjoyed
escapism. I never had an imaginary friend but then that was replaced with the
books I read and the stories I made up. It’s strange to reflect on it because I
have to admit the need to make stuff up has never left me! Adulthood is
definitely another blog of its own but to quickly say, the need to write has
only got stronger but not just for its own sake (the enjoyment alone of writing
and making up stories); it has taken on a greater importance for me, the older
I get the more I feel I have something to say and that, regardless of audience,
I need to do it anyway. I want to express myself and for me, that means
writing. It is maybe for that very reason that I have found the confidence to
write as an adult, that I have lost my fear of criticism (replaced by
appreciation of it), I am not writing a story that I am worried if my family
would like, my teachers would tell me off for, my friends would laugh at…none
of that matters to me at all. And also, I am not writing for those things that
become so apparent as an adult in and around everyone, fame, money, adoration
(I smell another blog on those). I don’t care if I write a hundred stories and
not one person likes them, I feel better for writing them, it makes me happy.
Hour’s up. I’ll come back to this
another time for sure.
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