Right. I have decided to spend next week away doing the minimum, I'll take a notebook and pens but there is no real intention behind it (I was tempted to leave the phone too but I guess I am an adult so need to be contacted in emergencies...it won't happen and I wouldn't be any help if something did but I've already guilt-tripped myself). Just the basics. I thought I would pop to the shops and get some books for the break, I haven't got my iPod anymore and I don't feel like getting a replacement so the airport wait, flights and transfers could be murderous. I went for Charles Saatchi's "Be The Worst You Can Be", Steinbeck's "The Grapes of Wrath" and "Hitch 22" Christopher Hitchens autobiography...I have a feeling I won't be able to put Hitch-22 down, I'll glance at Saatchi's just before I go out so I can get the reassurance it's okay to drink on your own, and Steinbeck will stay crease-free in the suitcase.
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