Hello everyone, hope you enjoyed your
weekend. This is a very scary blog post for me. I have spent the last few days
finishing off reading through my notes and there is nothing left to check. That really means one thing…
Empty desk! Time to start typing… |
I don’t know if any of the ideas I have
will go anywhere but I certainly have got a lot to get through. There were in
excess of forty separate ideas I have kept, they all seem worthwhile right now
but we all know that can quickly change! I’m embarrassing myself now I know it,
but when I bullet-pointed everything I had written up there were around 450
individual paragraphs. The main issue I faced was the huge amount of repetition
I found. I was saying the same thing over and over in different guises. In one
way, I found that reassuring as over the course of reading all of these notes
it reinforced the subjects that it was obvious I was interested in. I mean, I
knew what these were, or rather, I thought I knew what these were so it was a
relief to see that I was coming up with the same topics time and time again
(and spread over many years too). It told me that the reasons I wanted to write
(or a better way of putting it is to say explore and investigate…) have a
solid foundation.
that doesn’t do however is give me confidence. It may have reassured me that I
have a focus, a direction; but that is immediately offset against the sheer
size of the workload ahead. That is before we talk about the crippling
anxiety…okay, I know what I want to do, okay, I know what that involves, okay,
I know how much time and effort it is going to take … but now I’m crying before
I write a sentence because I know it’s going to be rubbish, what am I thinking
that I can do justice to the ideas I have, and please continue the self-doubt
diatribe for me because I’m too tired to write it out.
Let’s just say I will keep you posted on
The last thing I’m going to tell you about is
something else I found that could be even scarier to me than the above. It’s
not just the subject matter that it was surprising to see group together, but
how much of it points towards a novel. I say this not because I have any grand
experience on what is possible or not for a novel, but more because in my own naïve
way I see the scale of what I want to say with some of these ideas being much
larger than anything I have thought of before. I realise I am moronically
placing a noose around my neck saying this, ready for you all to grab the rope
to destroy me when the inevitable blog comes this time next year explaining how
I have got nowhere…but the hell with it, I’m saying because at this moment I
feel like they have potential and I’m going to wear my fingertips down to the
bone trying to develop them.
are certainly short stories there, the majority as you would expect. The trouble
I now have is what to prioritise? I like all the ideas (of course I would say
that now, give it a few weeks…) but do I attempt a short story first because I
have a better chance of finishing it and therefore ‘get some practice’ in, or
do I dive straight into the novel idea because that is what is going to take
the longest so best to get cracking? Also, why am I worrying so much about it
when I have all bloody day to myself so I could spend a few hours every day
split between the two!
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